Saturday, May 23, 2009

So, today my little girl graduated from her crib. We have been talking about it for weeks and we let her new bedding a few months ago. Today, Tim finished painting the head and foot boards so we could put it all together. Hannah had so much fun helping make the bed. She would climb on the bed to help smooth it out, all the while making it more wrinkly but she was trying so hard to help and she was just so darn cute.

After all the to-do with getting ready for bed, Tim tucked her in and sang to her and she looked so small in this big new bed, but oh so cute. Our hope is that we don't have too many issues with her staying in the bed or getting up in the middle of the night. So far so good, and we are about 2 hours into the first night.

It is hard to believe that Hannah is already 2.5 and has reached this mile stone. The time goes by so fast and I realized the other day just how much she has grown and changed in the last six months to a year. Her ability to communicate has increased so much and her desire for life to be hands on has too. She loves to help me clean and cook and won't settle for just watching me do anything. She made her own peanut butter sandwich the other day. The only thing I did was open the jar of peanut butter for her. Her independence is a good thing but it will take some adjustments on my part because I don't think I am ready for the amount of independence she exhibits. She is on the go, full of life and energy, curious about everything, asks more and more questions , and is just so adorable.

1 comment:

Willie Fun said...

That is such a precious picture of Hannah. She is really going to love her bed. That is really going to make her feel like she is growing up fast. It is great that she loves her bed and hope things stay on the up turn. Now for the potty training again. It will come just a quickly if you are persistent. It really is a matter of you training yourself and being persistent. Who will be the real boss about the training. When things get hard stick to it. It will be worth it in the long run. It was real hard to have two in diapers and expensive. Good luck.