Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Cute Little almost 3 year-old

Hannah is just growing up so fast and so much. It is amazing to see how quickly she learns things and picks up on them. It seems like it was only a few months ago that she was still not talking very much. She could and would say lots of different words, sometimes even a couple together, but that was it. Then, all of a sudden, she starts talking in almost complete sentences. She is amazing. It seems like every day she is saying more and more.

We finally got the crib put back together and in our room yesterday. Hannah was a very big helper. She tightened two of the screws on the bar that holds the one edge up. We told her as we put it up that we had to put the baby's bed together. Then, when we finished, she went and got her baby dolly and brought it in with a blankie for us to put to bed. It was so adorable. I think she is starting to realize what it means that mommy is having a baby. She got to meet the newborn of one of the Ward members yesterday as well, and then she turned to Rachel and said, "When baby come out?" She randomly comes up and gives the baby hugs and kisses, almost knocking Rachel over at times. It is very cute. You can tell that she loves the baby already. Hopefully that will continue after the baby comes out.

We listened to and transcribed Hannah's baby blessing today (finally). It was interesting, because she doesn't really recognize that she was a baby at one point. So, she is listening to the tape with us, and hears herself crying. She says, "Baby loud. Baby crying."

Only 8 weeks and 4 days left until the baby's due date. Rachel is ready for baby to be out. The baby seems to be doing great. It is getting bigger every day. Rachel says she is already almost as big as she was when Hannah was born. We have a Doctor appointment tomorrow and will let you know if we learn anything new.

A few pictures from yesterday.

Well, the other one I was going to put up turned out blurry, so this is all you get.