Friday, November 21, 2008

Reading a Story

We were over at Grandma & Grandpa Billeter's this past Sunday. Hannah was just adorable. I took a video with my phone of her reading a book to everyone. Here it is! You have to listen closely to Hannah (and have to have the volume up all the way, at least I did) in order to hear what Hannah is saying.

Grandma & Grandpa's Visit

So, it has been a while since we have updated anything. Grandpa, Grandma, and Trisha have come and gone. We had fun spending time with them, even though the directions we got were a little confusing and got us a bit lost so it took nearly 3.5 hours to get to the condo in Clear Lake instead of closer to 2 or 2.5. We eventually made it. It was a very nice place, but located near a couple of very small towns. The first day we decided to go into one of the towns. There really wasn't a lot to do, mostly just antique shopping. We did see a store called MJ's Place. I'll let you figure out what the store was.

I think Hannah had the most fun when she was trying to feed the ducks and then chased them with Grandpa. She is growing up so fast. She is starting to really get close to talking in full sentences. She says so many more words, and you can see here get frustrated because she will try to talk and a lot of it is still jibberish, but she expects you to understand and gets upset when you don't. (Wow! That was a run-on sentence).

It was a good time. We found a different way home (there was a long, windy road we went down on the way there, and vowed not to go near on the way home). Overall, a very enjoyable "mini-vacation."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Doing my Part

The weather was horrible today. And it was our day to help with the sign waving in support of Proposition 8. So, I stood in the rain for two hours today holding a sign. It was actually pretty fun until the last 20 minutes or so. It was really interesting to see all the different reactions from people. The people in support either honked or gave thumbs up. We had several people flip us the bird. We had a few people roll down their windows and yell stuff at us that we typically couldn't understand. We did have one lady call us bigots.

All in all, it was interesting and actually mostly enjoyable. There are only 3 days left until Election Day. I can't wait. I have never been this involved in Politics before. I would rather not be this involved, but I felt very strongly that I needed to do what I could to support the Proposition.

I will try to get some pictures posted after the Elections are over. I want to make sure I try and focus my time on this as much as I can (which hasn't been as much as I would have liked).

More later.